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VALRHONA - Sack 1 kg Caramélia 36% - Milchschokolade - Sack Bohnen - 1kg

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Since 1922, Valrhona, France's supreme chocolate maker, has been providing exceptional products that make each taste a special moment. Located in Tain l'Hermitage on the Drôme/Ardèche country border in the Rhône-Alpes region, and founded by a renowned pastry chef, Valrhona devotes all its expertise, rigour and passion to ensuring that every tasting is a special experience.  Chosen by the world’s finest master pastry chefs and chocolatiers for the rich aromatic palette of its chocolate, which is regularly enhanced by fresh innovations, Valrhona aims to promote gastronomic fulfilment. Constantly attentive to dialogue and ethics, Valrhona builds long-term co-development relationships with farmers and leading chefs, today Valrhona scours the world to find the very best raw materials and selects the finest varieties of cocoa beans with excellent aromatic potential from a dozen countries to offer you the ultimate taste in chocolate, chosen by the very greatest professionals within the food world to enable producers to show off the talent and spark that makes them stand out from the crowd. Soft, rich and voluptuous, Caramélia stands out with its rich milky flavour and compelling taste of salted butter caramel.
