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FITAID RX Recovery Blend, Kreatin, BCAAs, Elektrolyte, Omega-3-Fettsäuren, 100% sauber, paläo, vegan und glutenfrei, keine künstlichen Aromen oder Süßstoffe, 12 Unzen. (Packung mit 24 Stück)

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Produktbeschreibung Are the FitAid blends Vegan? FitAid, FitAid RX, FitAid ZERO and FitAid RX ZERO are all Vegan. The BCAA are sourced from fermented non-gmo corn and the Omga 3 fatty acids are from algae.Does FitAid contain caffeine? There is 45mg of caffeine from green tea leaf in our FitAid blends. Much less than a typical pre-workout drink or cup of coffee that can range from 90-330 mgs.45 mg of caffeine is around the same as a cup of black tea.Why does FITAID cost a little more?Let’s be clear: Nothing is like FITAID. Simply put, we spared no expense to develop a healthy product that delivers on its promise. We never compromise on the quality of our ingredients and supplements in order to make short term profitst.As we see it, educated consumers are finally getting fed up with paying 2 euro's or pounds for a bottle of water or even more for one of those drinks with trace amounts of vitamins and supplements, added solely as a marketing gimmick.In fact, on an ounce-by-ounce basis, FITAID is actually inexpensive when compared to the colored sugar-water sports drinks often sold for nearly as much as our revolutionary formula.How is FITAID different from the other guy?We use only natural ingredients and sweeteners of the highest quality. We do not use Splenda, ie Sucralose, or typical energy drink ingredients like Taurine. We have a comprehensive nutrient blend including BCAA’s, Glutamine, Glucosamine, Quercetin, Omega 3s, and Vitamin D to help with performance and recovery.When should I consume FITAID?We recommend consuming FITAID after your workout or during a day where you are physically active. Our product was formulated for RECOVERY, so consumption both after your workout is advised. And of course, when you’re not at the gym, FITAID is a healthy & delicious supplement you can enjoy just about any time!I already take supplements in pill form, should I still consume FITAID?While we recommend you consult your physician before starting any supplement regimen, there are some advantages in taking supplements in liquid form. The absorption rates can be much higher in liquid form. Plus, our product makes taking all your supplements much more convenient. We guarantee your supplements have never tasted so good!What makes FITAID product “Paleo-Friendly?”One of the main tenets of the paleo diet is the consumption of food and drink that are minimally processed. Because FITAID is sweetened with raw organic blue agave, we are using a sweetener that isn’t processed at a temperature higher than found in nature (in the deserts of Mexico for instance, where our agave is farmed.) Agave is low on the glycemic index and avoids the typical insulin response caused by other sweeteners. In addition, many of the supplements found in our product are compatible with the paleo diet including Omega 3 EFAs, Vitamin D, and natural (as opposed to synthetic) Vitamin E.Why is FITAID cloudy?Plain and simple, FITAID is “cloudy” because it is loaded with active ingredients. Perhaps a better question might be “why are vitamin drinks and sports drinks clear?” We’ll let you figure that one out! Inhaltsstoffe / Zutaten Filtered Carbonated Water, Organic Agave Syrup, Erythritol, Natural Citrus Flavors, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Gum Arabic, L-arginine, L-glutamine, L-Leucine, Potassium (as potassium glycerophosphate), Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid), Caffeine (as Green Tea Extract), Magnesium (as magnesium lactate), L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, Calcium (as calcium lactate pentahydrate), Stevia Extract (RebA), Co-enzyme Q10, Niacin (as niacinamide), Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol), Turmeric extract (root), DHA (from mico-algae C. cohnii), Pantothenic Acid (as d-calcium pantothenate), Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCL), Riboflavin, Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate), Biotin, Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol), Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin) Anschrift Hersteller/Importeur LIFEAID Beverage Company EU Hendrik Figeeweg 3F - Unit Q5Haarlem, 2031BJ Mehr
