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Oliven aus Kalamata, tratitionelle Auswahl Kalamon. Nettogewicht 800gr

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Simolive, Greek Kalamata Olives, 800gr, (2 Vacuum-sealed Plastic Bags of 400gr each):Kalamon olives are produced mainly in Greece. This type of olive is considered as a superior variety of edible olives which thrives in an arid environment with dry and low moisture soil in order the fruits to grow. The Kalamon fruits usually ripen during mid-November to early January which is the late fall to midwinter. The Kalamon or Kalamata olives are widely used in cooking and as an ingredient in a wide variety of Mediterranean dishes. The Kalamon with its distinct superior taste and quality is one of the widely exported Greek produce. The Kalamon olives are one of the top exported food items from Greece all over the world.Kalamon or Kalamata olives are suitable in many food dishes. This type of olive is the common table olive that most people around the world are fond of.The Kalamon olives exude a salty and tangy taste that could give a nice kick to any food dishes. The Kalamon olives are included in some sandwiches, pizzas, rice dishes and small portioned tapas.Note that the Kalamon olives exude a rich color as well as distinct flavor this could some spark in salad dishes and rich rice meals. The main ingredients of the olive flesh are: water, oil, sugars, proteins, organic acids, minerals, etc. Olives have 10 times more antioxidants than olive oil. They contain significant amounts of vitamin A and E, which together contribute to the good health of the skin. It is rich in phenolic compounds, that help for the proper functioning of our body, and trace elements such as iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.GebrauchsanweisungVerminderte Salzigkeit in Oliven: 2 Stunden in einer Schüssel mit frischem Wasser einweichen. Dann ersetzen Sie das Wasser durch sauberes Wasser und lassen Sie es noch zwei Stunden einwirken. Nach dem Öffnen im Kühlschrank aufbewahren. Halten bis zu 20 Tagen dort, wenn sie mit einer Mischung aus Oliven- oder Sonnenblumenöl und Essig bedeckt werden. So erhalten sie ihren wundervollen Geschmack und den hohen Nährwert.

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